Hello, I’m Maxime
HR, Manager and Hospitality Industry Professional
Maxime Robbeets
« Experience alone does not create knowledge. » – Kurt Lewin
Multiple experiences within the hospitality industry : Camping, hotel, restaurant, night-club etc. combined with fewer experience in, my domain of study, Human Ressources Management.
Apart from my Bachelor’s Degree in Human Ressources, I have also had interest in other domains through other forms of education.
Communication has always been a major component in my professional and personal life. I have always been interested in building skills around connecting with others efficiently. However, experiences made me discover a whole new range of skills
Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.
A multi-oriented
Tristique faucibus neque scelerisque urna bibendum aenean. Vestibulum habitasse vitae vehicula accumsan convallis eget bibendum. Bibendum vel fermentum at arcu, purus amet.
Maxime Robbeets
Rabitur non bibendum ligula. In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra elit. Fusce ut mauris quam.